Epoxy resin coaster making workshop conducted for North Vista Primary School’s year end staff meeting at Changi Hotel.
Stamp carving and printmaking on tote bags workshop with the JP Morgan team
UV resin art team bonding session for a team from Food Panda held in our studio at Pearl's Hill Terrace
Resin Art Jam team bonding activity for Mendaki conducted at our studio in Pearl's Hill Terrace.
Resin art jamming team bonding workshop for Apple conducted at Arterly Obsessed’s studio.
Live activation UV Resin coaster making workshop for Clifford Chance’s Pride Art exhibition, Pride Without Borders.
Resin art team bonding for Hogan Lovells, in conjunction with International Women’s Day.
Craft play (gel plate printing, paper making, squeegee painting) team bonding session for Elsevier celebrating inclusion and diversity.